
Statement on North Birmingham Transport contract

Published: Tuesday, 17th August 2021

Cllr Sharon Thompson, cabinet member for vulnerable children and families, has issued the following statement about a home to school transport contract.

“Today we have advised North Birmingham Travel, which we commission to provide some of our home to school transport routes, that we are terminating their contract owing to a breach of contract on their part.

“While we have seen recent improvement to the SEND home to school transport service we know there is more work to do, and where we identify problems we will deal with them robustly. So while it is disappointing that we have been forced to take this action, it is the right thing to do.

“We want to assure parents and carers that we have done this in the best interests of children. We would also reassure parents that owing to the extra contingency that the City Council bought in in preparation for any unforeseen issues, we are able to replace this resource immediately and families, and most importantly vulnerable children, will not experience any interruption to service as a result of this decision.

“We will continue to monitor all our providers and ensure families get the service they need and deserve.”