
Perry Barr masterplan set to help secure Birmingham’s 2022 legacy

Published: Monday, 31st January 2022

The final version of the Perry Barr 2040: A Vision for Legacy masterplan is due for adoption by Birmingham City Council’s Cabinet on February 8.

Subject to an 11-week period of public consultation and engagement last year, the masterplan details how the council and partners will work together to secure future growth, investment and positive change for north west Birmingham – building on more than £700million of regeneration already underway.

Six key objectives underpin the final version of the masterplan for the area, set to play an integral part in the hosting of the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games this summer. They can be summarised as follows:

  • Providing an attractive choice of places to live, work, play and visit by strengthening the town centre, supporting Perry Barr’s successful existing uses and introducing new homes and activity;
  • Embracing the scale of opportunity at Perry Barr to deliver ambitious change which reflects the area’s role at the heart of the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games and realises benefits for all;
  • Prioritising parks, waterways, allotments, and public spaces to enhance biodiversity and create a joined-up green network which supports physical and mental wellbeing, improved access to nature, increases climate change resilience and improved environmental, water and air quality;
  • Celebrating Perry Barr’s cultural, sporting, and historic identity, enhancing the historic environment and maximising opportunities for participation in physical activity to get people moving from beginners through to elite sports;
  • Making Perry Barr the best-connected suburb in Birmingham, with active, sustainable and safe travel choices becoming the norm for residents and visitors;
  • Contributing to Birmingham being carbon neutral by 2030 or as soon thereafter as a just transition allows.

Cllr Ian Ward, Leader of Birmingham City Council, said: “Our bold decision to bid for the 2022 Commonwealth Games shows how the council was looking to level up before it became a fashionable term. And it's clear that becoming the Proud Host City has unlocked a once-in-a-lifetime package of investment for Perry Barr and surrounding areas.

“But in order to realise the full potential of that golden opportunity we need a detailed vision and plan, shaped by local people.

“Through the extensive consultation staged last summer we received many comments and ideas that have helped refine the masterplan into the bold blueprint for how we will deliver new housing, better transport links, improved open spaces, new leisure facilities and upgraded infrastructure that have the maximum benefits for everyone in the area.

“Going forward we will continue working together with the community, stakeholders and other partners to regenerate north west Birmingham for those who already live and work there – and for those who will call the improved Perry Barr their home in the years to come.”

To view the Final Draft of the Masterplan, please view . These papers also include a Statement of Consultation which sets out how representations made by the public have helped develop the final document.