
A customer-focused council

What we will achieve

Knowing what you want and letting you know what to expect from us.

We will:

  • build a customer service centre of excellence
  • make it easier for you to contact us
  • create opportunities for you to work with us
  • commit to a customer charter that sets out the customer service standards we will deliver

How we will do it

We will:

  • make sure all our staff have customer-centred training
  • review all our services to make sure that they’re accessible to everyone
  • use publicly available data to understand the make-up of Birmingham to shape our services
  • listen to your feedback to continually improve our services
  • produce an annual customer service communications plan

What this means for you

You will:

  • know the standards you can expect from us, and we can expect from you
  • see that we are focused on your needs
  • get a quick response to complaints you make
  • be encouraged to give us your feedback
  • have opportunities to work with us, giving us ideas about changes we can make

Page last updated: 8 February 2024