
Code of Conduct

The purpose of the Bolder Healthier Champion scheme is to help ensure that residents across Birmingham hear correct and consistent public health information.

We recognise that there is often debate and sometimes disagreement when it comes to health information. Our role is to give people the latest expert-informed advice, so they can work out how to apply this to their everyday lives and make the choices which are best for them.

By signing up as a Bolder Healthier Champion, you are agreeing to the code of conduct which requires that:

  • any information or advice you circulate comes from the council, NHS, Office for Health Improvement and Disparities or the government
  • you do not make political statements
  • you do not debate the merits of the guidance or criticise the government, council or partners – if somebody is incorrect, simply signpost to the correct information. This is to ensure that key messages are not undermined.
  • you do not apply your own interpretation of guidelines - if in doubt, ask for clarification.