
Cemetery Friends

Cemetery events

Large square pots containing plants and flowers

There are community events happening at our cemeteries throughout the year, including nature walks, guided tours, litter picks and more. If you are interested in conservation and heritage and want to find out more about what’s happening at some of our cemeteries, keep an eye on the noticeboards to find out what is happening locally.

Several of our cemeteries also have Cemetery Friends groups – with more to come. Cemetery Friends organise clean-ups, tours and get-togethers and are open to all.

Cemetery Friends groups

Volunteers carrying out gardening activities in a cemetery

Friends of Brandwood End run a number of activities such as planting trees, gardening, picking litter, helping wildlife and recording memorials. or email them at friendsofbec@gmail.com to find out more, and how you can get involved.

Friends of Key Hill and Warstone Lane cemeteries arrange tours, open days and a range of other events. To keep up to date with what’s happening, , , or email them at friends-kh-wl-cem@outlook.com.

If you would like to volunteer and become a cemetery friend of a particular cemetery, contact us using the bereavement services form.

Page last updated: 15 June 2023