
Nitrous Oxide: What you need to know

In this issue we talk about Nitrous Oxide (also known as Nos, Nox, noz, whippits, balloons, laughing gas)

What is it?

Nitrous Oxide is a gas that usually comes in small silver canisters, or more frequently now in much larger canisters. These are usually used to inflate a balloon, and from this people breathe in the gas.

It causes a brief high of a few minutes, along with feeling relaxed and often quite dizzy. It isn't just used as a recreational drug, doctors and dentists use it for pain relief, but this is in limited amounts in a safe medical environment and mixed with air.

Why are we worried?

It is becoming clear that using Nitrous Oxide, especially in large amounts, is harming people's health. What is even more worrying, is that many people who use Nitrous Oxide do not know that they are putting their health at risk. If they did they'd either quit, or do it much less.

We know that using Nitrous Oxide can lead to nerve damage, and in some cases it can lead to paralysis. It can also lead to a range of other health problems, ranging from depression and anxiety to impaired memory, blood pressure problems and sexual dysfunction. Plus there's the risk of having an accident when high, especially if you pass out.

All of these harms are more likely as people increasingly use the much larger canisters, as it is a lot easier to do far too much.

What can you do?

If you use Nitrous Oxide, make sure you know the risks and the warning signs of the harm you could be doing to yourself. Try to stop, or at least cut back how much and how often you do it.

You should make sure people you know are aware of the risks too, especially if you think they use Nitrous Oxide.

If you or someone you know are really struggling to stop using Nitrous Oxide (or other drugs or alcohol) you can get support with the links below.

Useful resources

The resources below offer help and advice surrounding N2O misuse.

Change Grow Live (CGL)

Change Grow Live is a charity specialising in substance misuse and criminal justice interventions for people aged 21 years and over. Their website offers crisis information, a webchat service and a range of other online support resources if you want to cut down or stop using drugs.


Aquarius is a service for young people aged 25 years and under in Birmingham affected by substance misuse. They provide online information and advice, 'one-to-one' intervention, and group work. The organisation welcomes both referrals from professionals and self-referrals. You can complete the downloadable referral form and email it to young.people@aquarius.org.uk.

More information is on the Birmingham Young People’s Service website.

'Talk to Frank'

‘Talk to Frank’ gives out free facts, support and advice about a wide range of different recreational drugs. They have a detailed page dedicated to N2O.

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