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Warning Text %rWarning Text 2XTableStyleMedium2PivotStyleLight16`Annex 1,  ;J8 "Ref No Project Title5Journey Time Reliability Improvements to Growth AreasIron Lane, Birmingham#Birmingham Cycle Revolution Phase 2 One StationMetro Ext to Centenary SquareTame Valley Viaduct - Phase 3A457 Dudley RoadA45 Rapid Transit City-AirportMetro Ext to EdgbastonUniversities@IBC Lode LaneKidderminster Railway Station9 South Kidderminster Enterprise Park  Hoobrook Link Road 9LESS THAN <2.5MBETWEEN 2.5M AND 10M Sub TotalTOTAL#SMBCSouth & City CollegeBCCSolihull CollegeStaffordshire CC VARIATIONLGF TARGET SPENDNotesDesignated Programme Manager LERS,Midland Metro Birmingham Eastside Extension Project SponsorRAGTotal Project Cost m"LGF Allocation m&Capital Spend 2015/16 m+Proposed Allocation 2015/16 m)Likely Allocation 2015/16 mMid-Cannock interchange Cannock DC!East Staffs Growth and Regen ProgMotor Vehicle Training CentreESDCFood Technology HubUniversity CollegeHS2 Construction Centre$Aviation Engineering Training Centre Advanced Life Science Facilities,Meeting the Skills Needs of Local BusinessesHagley Road SPRINTCentro!Ashted Circus, Birm'ham Ring RoadWorcs CCUniversity Station Interchange&Sustainable Urban Extension - Minworth'Sustainable Urban Extension - PeddimoreMaking the ConnectionsSelly Oak New Road Phase 1bFuture Skills CapitalWholesale MarketsLife Sciences CentreLife Sciences Campus Centre for Advanced TechnologiesBirmingham Met CollegeBourneville CollegeMidland Metro Eastside ExtnBattery Way Extension, TyseleyPORTFOLIO SCHEMESLetter received from BMET dated 19th May 2015 declining the offer of the LGF due to considerable budget cuts and the colleges need to rationalise the sites as well as reviewing planned capital investment. Innovation Birmingham;Withdrawn by the Project Sponsor due to funding challenges %Worcestershire CCCSnow Hill Station Phase 1 & 2,Unblocking small housing sites Phase 1 and 2,Engineering Centre for Manufacturing Support RAG Code: FBC approved and now in contractjFBC approved and contract being developed or ITE recommended approval but subject to Growth Team approval.LPotential delay identified in project delivering within timeframe or budget.aFBC slipping and concerns raised regarding delivery and spend. Actions within the risk register.8FBC will not deliver. Actions within the risk register..Original Request for Prep Costs 2015/16 m&Capital Spend 2017/18 m&Capital Spend 2018/19 m&Capital Spend 2019/20 m&Capital Spend 2020/21 mMidland Metro CatenaryLongbridge Connectivity - MSCP Chester RoadMoss Road Estate DevelopmentCCDC WMG University Technical CollegeUniversity College Birmingham4WMG Academy for Young Engineers (Future Skills Fund)$National College for High Speed Rail:Summer Row Skills Enhancement project (Future Skills Fund)Longbridge Connectivity Scheme Friarsgate Lichfield DC+Funds allocated to skills capital projects.&Capital Spend 2016/17 mLode Lane Phase 2@Engineering Centre of Excellence - Redditch (Future Skills Fund)MGTS!Kingswood Lakeside Access Phase 2!Kingswood Lakeside Access Phase 11BC received and passed to HCA for ITE assessment.FBC being developed New FBC being develop or FBC slipping and concerns raised regarding delivery and spend in 2015/16. Actions within the risk register.IApproved - Noted by Supervisory Board 23/7/2015. On site 2 November 2015.A34 corridor-Perry Barr Phase 1DApproved - Funding Agreement expected to be signed off November 2015:Approved and in contract. Started on site September 2015. !AMH Phase B (Concentric Controls))AMH Phase A - (JB Foods & Rylands Garage)LGF Project AllocationLGF Total Grant Allocation VariationrLOCAL GROWTH FUND - SUMMARY PROGRAMME (2015/16 - 2021) - 19 November 2015 ANNEX 1Approved - funding agreement on hold. Project has been noted on the Sanctions Paper report to Growth Team on the 27 November 2015 where more information is available. BApproved - funding agreement due to be signed off November 2015. Growth Team approved 2/9/2015 and noted by Supervisory Board in September 2015. SLA being developed but re-profiling of expenditure to be confirmed as the anticipated 1.5m in 2015/16 has reduced to 0.6m. A separate business case was invited by the Growth Team to be developed for the Park and Ride project for 1.2m. Application for preparatory fees awaiting Project Lead sign off and approvalQR!DfT offered Section 31 grant to cover development fees. Acceptance of Section 31 to be requested to include outputs. Completion of financial business case expected 19/1/2016. Start on site 1/3/2019 and completion 15/2/21.DfT offered Section 31 grant to cover development fees. Acceptance of Section 31 to be requested to include outputs. FBC expected to be completed March 2017 and projected expected to start 2018/19.FBC expected December 2015.BC will be submitted between Jan to March 2016. Potential to revise this proposal and increase the Aviation College to deliver greater benefits.9Approved. SLA expected to be signed off November 2015. FBC has been received and recommended for approval by the ITE. The project has been combined with the acquisition for the AMH Phase B (Concentric Controls) to create a 4.45m application that will create 641 direct jobs and 1,041 indirect jobs on the site and within the supply chain./FBC has been received and recommended for approval by the ITE. The project has been combined with the acquisition for the AMH Phase A (JB Food and Ryland Garage reclamation) to create a 4.45m application that will create 641 direct jobs and 1,041 indirect jobs on the site and within the supply chain.;Metro Ext to Centenary Square - Complementary Highway Works?An additional 1.2m was approved on the 2/9/15 by the Growth Team and the Project has been recommended for approval by the ITE at the increased 2.45m. SLA due to be signed off November 2015. Start date delayed as CPO to be factored into the programme timescale therefore start date slipped from June 2016 to May 2017. iApproved - Funding Agreement expected to be signed off November 2015. Noted by Supervisory Board 23/7/15.Approved - Funding Agreement signed off 6 August 2015. Noted at Supervisory Board 23/7/2015. Due to delayed planning application start on site delayed to Jan 16. Full Business Case expected July 2016. It is anticipated that WCC may be involved in its development as they are contributing 2.5m match funding. The project will be monitored and amended following receipt of the FBC. %bApproved - Funding Agreement to be signed off November 2015. Noted by Supervisory Board 23/7/15.Approved - Funding Agreement signed off plus Deed of Variation for an additional 56k. Noted by Supervisory Board 23/7/2015. 347k claimed to datenApproved - Awaiting for the project sponsor to sign off funding agreement. Noted by Supervisory Board 23/7/15.oApproved - awaiting funding agreement to be signed off by Project Sponsor. Noted by Supervisory Board 23/7/15.Growth Team agreed on the 2/9/15 for a business case to be developed. Evaluated and passed to PDD for approval. Legal instructed to prepare funding agreement.Growth Team agreed on the 2/9/15 for a business case to be developed. Outline application received and Programme Manager to work with the college to develop the business case.Agreed by the Growth Team 2/9/15 to develop a business case which will be submitted 26 November 2015. Expected to start on site 25<] January 2016.IBusiness Case received and passed to SFA for independent ITE on 16/10/15.EAgreed by the Growth Team 2/9/15 for a business case to be developed.Agreed by the Growth Team 2/9/15 for a business case to be developed. Received draft for comment 21/10/15 but aiming for approval December 2015.vGrowth Team on the 2/9/15 agreed in principle an additional 700,000 subject to additional benefits being identified. qAgreed by the Growth Team 2/9/15 for a business case to be developed which was received on the 16 November 2015. Removed or Withdrawn ProjectsQDfT derogation is still outstanding. DfT are awaiting information from the Belgium Ministry of Transport regarding Axle loadings. The DfT have advised Centro that the change in legislation required could be included in the December Statement of New regulation but more than likely July 2016 due to other priorities. Centro have sent DfT a note for Ministers, highlighting the continued importance of this derogation decision for the West Midlands, and highlighting the potential reputational risk on delivery for all parties. The FBC is expected to be received and signed off by December 2015.FBC slipped from October to November 2015 as the VISSIM remodelling benefits have to be reviewed. Expected start on site July 2016. It is anticipated that an additional 850k will be requested when the FBC is submitted. !A separate business case was invited by the Growth Team to be developed for the Park and Ride project for 1.2m. Full business case has been received and submitted to the ITE. A report for Longbridge Connectivity will include the MSCP which is expected to go to the 8th December Cabinet.Approved. Preparatory fees approved and noted by the Supervisory Board. Funding agreement for 5.5m signed off and claim submitted for 2015/16.Project has been noted on the Sanctions Paper report to Growth Team on the 27 November 2015. Concerns regarding Phase 1 - Tranche 1 due to Standard Life support needed as a landowner. Seeking to resolve difficulties by end of November 2015.xGrowth Team approved on 2/9/15 and noted by Supervisory Board in Sept 2015. SLA signed off and preparatory fees claimed.Project has been noted on the Sanctions Paper report to Growth Team on the 27 November 2015. Business Case slipped from early Autumn submission to February 2016. AECOM have now been appointed to expedite.Development Design to GRIP 4 now January 2016. Therefore FBC has slipped from February to March 2016. Preparatory fees application submitted 3/8/15 and approved at 18% due to increased design costs. Increased allocation agreed at the 2/9/15 by Growth Team. Awaiting updated information on additional benefits/revised business case based on increased allocation for ITE. Project Sponsor has been asked to provide the information as matter of urgency. Project has been noted on the Sanctions Paper report to Growth Team on the 27 November 2015 as it is now seeking an additional 2m (not included in this spend profile). The FBC has been received and will be evaluated w/c 23/11/15.Approved. Funding Agreement signed off for Centro. Revised Deed of Variation completed for 2.7m and an SLA has been developed for BCC complimentary highway works for 4.5m for LGF.sApproved. Funding Agreement being developed for complimentary highway works which has been drawn down from the LGF.BC expected October 2016.Project has been noted on the Sanctions Paper report to Growth Team on the 27 November 2015. BC expected Autumn 2015. AECOM have been commissioned to complete the business case. Preparatory fees application outstanding.!BC expected 30 November 2015. Previously slipped due to further modelling work required. 2015/16 development fees required. Conditional offer letter provided.|Growth Team approved 2/9/15 and noted by the Supervisory Board September 2015. SLA awaiting sign off by the Project Sponsor.Approved, subway infill and land assembly business case for Phase 1. Application for preparatory fees has been agreed. SLA being developed.Business case submitted by AMION and recommended for approval by ITE subject to minor amendments. BCC to provide a state aid letter of compliance from BCC legal. BCC have now got more than 60% of tenants signed so over the hurdle for BCC s  minimum case .Project has been noted on the Sanctions Paper report to Growth Team on the 27 November 2015. Concern still continues regarding the delivery due to no viable match funding being offered.AAgreed by the Growth Team 2/9/15 - business case being developed.hAgreed by the Growth Team 2/9/15 - business case being developed. Development fee application submitted DfT offered Section 31 grant to cover development fees. Submission of business case to DfT Autumn 2016 and start on site expected March 2019. Spend profile from 2020/21 required. 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